Monday, June 16, 2008

LMQA ISO 15189

Technical Requirements

  1. Personnel
    1. Eligible and accredited 1 to work in the laboratory
    2. Job resume must have the necessary qualifications 1
    3. Attend workshops 1 to improve on knowledge and skills
    4. Make sure that patient’s information is protected 1

  1. Accommodation and Environmental Condition
    1. Clean and ventilated 1 work area to maintain safe working environment
    2. Maintain environmental conditions 1

E.g. humidity and temperature of laboratory

  1. Laboratory Equipments
    1. Instruments and reagents are sufficient, maintained and calibrated 1 to meet the laboratory’s needs

  1. Pre-Examination Procedures
    1. Patient’s description 1 is recorded
    2. Proper specimen collection and specimen storage 1

E.g. anticoagulant required

Word Count: 100 (excluding the citations)


1. Cooper, Greg (2004). Preparing Your Laboratory to Certify or Accredit Under ISO 15189. Bio-Rad Laboratories. Retrieved June 15, 2008 from

Done By: Siti Nurfatin


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