Monday, June 16, 2008

LMQA ISO 15189 cont.

Management Requirements (cont.):

1. Corrective Actions
Problems must be investigated to determine the source of error (TT LABS, 2004)1*.

2. Preventive actions
Any necessary improvements and non-conformities concerning technical or management system should be identified, followed by the development of plans and procedures to reduce chances for recurrence (TT LABS, 2004)1*.

3. Continual Improvements
All procedures must be reviewed at regular intervals to observe for traces of non-conformances (TT LABS, 2004)1*.

4. Quality and Technical records
Records should include definitions and terminology, organization scheme, internal problems etc (To The Point, 2008)3***, complemented by procedures establishment for identification, maintenance etc (TT LABS, 2004)1*.

5. Internal Audits
Various auditing task include performing root cause analysis, documentation of findings, and continuation of corrective and auditing procedures (College of American Pathologists, 2008)2**.

6. Management Review
Quality Management Systems must be periodically reviewed by the laboratory management to maintain and enhance the system (TT LABS, 2004)1*, (CAREC, 2004)****.

(117 words excluding in-text citations and references)


1. Trinidad and Tobago Laboratory Accreditation Service.(2008).Summary of Requirements in ISO 15189 for Medical Laboratories.Retrieved 16th June, 2008.from

2. College of American Pathologists.(2008). ISO 15189:2007 Fact Sheet.Retrieved 15th June, 2008.from

3. To The Point.(2008).15189 Quality Records.Retrieved 15th June, 2008.from

4. Caribbean Laboratory Accreditation Service.(2004).A Guideline Documentation for Application of ISO 15189:2003 to Medical Laboratories.Retrieved 15th June, 2008.from

Done by: Albert Chan

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