image taken from: http://catalog.bd.com/bdCat/viewProduct.doCustomer?productNumber=446251

image taken from: http://www.bd.com/ds/productCenter/MD-AffirmVPIII.asp
hi everyone:) i have been in the microbiology laboratory for almost 3weeks and i have learnt quite a lot of things...now i would like to share with you one of the tests which i have found it quite interesting:)
The test is VP3 test. The full name is known as BD Affirm (Trademark) VPIII Microbial Identification Test. This test make use of DNA probe to detect and identify Candida species, Gardnerella vaginalis and Trichomonas vaginalis nucleic acid in vaginal fluid specimens from patients with symptoms of vaginitis (infection of the vagina).
Prinicple of the test:
-Based on nucleic acid hybridization where the complementary nucleic acid strands will align to form specific double stranded hybrids
This test uses 2 specific nucleic acid probes for each organism, a capture probe and a color development probe that are complementary to the genetic sequences of the target organism. The captured probe will be immobilized on a bed embedded in a Probe Analysis Card (PAC) that contains a seperate bead for each target organism. The colour development probes are contained in a multi-well Reagent Cassette (RC).
Sample Requirement: High Vaginal Swab
1)12 drops of lysis solution (0.4ml) were added to the sample and was swirled for 10 seconds
2)the sample was incubated for 10minutes (during this time, the lysis solution will rupture the walls of the cells of the organisms thus releasing the nucleic acid).
3)12drops of (0.6ml) of Buffer solution were added to the sample and the tube was flicked 10times before the cap was disposed (the buffer solution acts to stabilize the nucleic acid and establishes the stringency conditions needed for specific nucleic acid hybridization.)
4)4drops (0.1ml) of substrate solution was added to well 7
5)a filter tip was placed on the tube. the sample was dispensed entirely into well 1
6)PAC was placed into well 1
7)the automated processor was started
8)after about 32minutes,the PAC was removed and the results were interpreted
- +ve :any blue colour
- -ve : no colour
Contents in the wells:
Well no 1: patient's sample
Well no 2: Hybridization Solution
Well no 3: Wash solution
Well no 4 : Conjugate
Well no 5: wash solution
Well no 6: Wash solution
Well no 7: substrate buffer
i hope the pictures will make you understand more about the test:) have fun in SIP:)
For more information, you can also visit the website which i have taken the image from:) sorry i couldnt find any larger image:)
hey rachael. was wondering, how do you define high vaginal swab? how do you know if the swab is maybe, sufficient? haha thanks!
got one question to ask you ...
you mention that the sample was incubated for 10minutes, what is the incubation condition for the test? temperature and the CO2?
thank you
hi rachael,
i would like to know what happens during the 32minutes? is it the time taken for automated processor to generate the results for PAC? and what happens in the automated processor? thanks.
Hi Rachael
I would like to ask if the test is 100% accurate/absolute? If not, then is there any confirmatory tests for these organisms?
Johan TG01
YO rachael
juz to clarify
Since hybridisation of the nucleic acid of microorganism with the capture probe occur on the PAC which is in well 1 already, so hybridisation in well 2 issit means hydisation between the nucleic acid with the colour development probe?
Lim Xin Ni
hi XinNi, haha you are correct:) hybirdization occurs in well 1 and 2...well 1 is hybridization of analyte to the capture probe on the beads while well 2 is the hybridization of the color development probe:)
cya on friday:)
Hi Johan,
er the accuracy depends on whether you put the right concentration of the solutions and the incubation time etc...usually this is just a test to test for the presence of the organisms only...some confirmatory tests will include HVS culture...
by the way HVS= high vaginal swab:)
hi Malerie,
the PAC will move from one well to the other during the process which is the approx 32minutes:) in each well diff reactions will take place...i have written on the comment about the reactions taken in well 1 and 2..
in well 3, all the unbound samples and probes are washed away...in well 4, enzyme conjugate will bind to the captured analyte...in well 5 and 6, the unbound conjugates will be washed away...in well 7,the indicator substrate will be converted to blue color if bound enzyme conjugate is present on the bead found on the PAC.
Hi Ting Jie,
the sample was incubated after adding the lysis buffer and incubated for 10minutes at plus minus 85 degree celsius:)
Hi Nurathirah,
HVS is just a kind of vaginal sample and the swab used is just a cotton bud (the same kind you used to clean you ears)...so we wil put the whole bud into a tube and the add the lysis buffer to incubate it:)
Hello Rachel,
How are you?
Hey, you mentioned about the colour development probes rite? Im curious, how do they actually work? Do they like produce a certain colour to indicate the presence of a specific microorganis?And they are contained in a multi-well Reagent Cassette. What is present in the reagent?
Hi Dyana,
the contains of the wells are:
well 1: empty (for input of patient's sample)
well 2: Hybridization solution
well 3: wash solution
well 4: enzyme conjugate
well 5: wash solution
well 6: wash solution
well 7: substrate buffer
oh the color of the bead on the PAC will change from colorless to any form of blue which means positive:) it does not have a particular color for each organism:) they all change to blue if its positive for the test:)
you mentionthe sample required is High Vaginal Swab. so how does the specimen arrive in your lab? isit in cotton bud or something like that?
(sorry, i haven't seen a swab before.)
hi Yumei..sorry for the very late reply...the swab is like a cotton bud...it will be placed inside a long container (diameter smaller than a normal test tube but longer) and it will be capped and sent to the lab:)
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